My Current Minecraft 1.19.2 server is hosted at:

Bedrock crossplay is:

My Current Minecraft Modded Servers
None right now...

The server will stay up 24/7 now, unless maintenance or other things happen.

Status: The Server is now offline until further notice!

These servers are hosted locally, anyone who tries to DDoS/DoS my servers will be permanently blocked, along with being reported.
And no, you can NOT use a VPN on my servers as I block vpn's, for the safety of the users who login to my server.

As for the minecraft chat reporting feature in 1.19.1+ servers, I do NOT allow it and will be blocked as I have my own reporting feature. Along with contacting mojang about what I have chosen to do with my private servers, if I find someone has reported my servers, the said party will be permanently banned from the Broken Satellite Network.